
These are your options! Unfair or incorrect exam and test grading?

Do you have the impression that something went wrong with an exam? Does the grading seem incorrect to you? Fortunately, the legislator has provided you with certain rights, even though they are often not disclosed to you by the university.

The grade you receive after your exam is not final. Below, I will provide you with some basics about exam law.  

Exam review 

The review must take place "without delay" after the grades are announced, as the information may be relevant for an objection. The examiner has some flexibility in this regard.However, if the review takes place after (Here I contacted Trawe, the sentence suddenly ended, but this gives a rough idea of the scope)

Count individual points during the review and speak with the examiner about any questions that arise. You have the right to bring an accompaniment into the exam (§14 VwVfG NRW), so take advantage of it and ask someone who is very knowledgeable in the module and can help you identify errors in the grading. 

Assert your right to a copy or an accurate reproduction of the exam (§ 64 Abs. 2 Ziffer 10 Hochschulgesetz NRW). You can either copy it on-site or take a photo of it. Some examiners require a written request for this, which you can submit informally.

Discuss your impressions afterward with fellow students who were also present during the review. It is often noticed that there were different evaluations, even though the same or comparable performance was delivered. 

Always remember: No matter how upset you are about an exam/grade, always remain nice and polite – even if the examiner may not be.  

Objection procedure 

Exam decisions are administrative acts. The most important legal remedy for this is the objection. You address an objection to your responsible examination board. 

The objection should be submitted in writing and, above all, with justification. Justifications can include errors in grading or procedural errors. The deadline for submission is usually one month, and it extends to one year if no or incorrect legal remedy instruction has been provided.   

The examination board must decide on the objection in a timely manner. If your objection is unsuccessful, you can file an action for annulment before the administrative court. If you are unsure how to formulate an objection, you can get help from the AStA. The legal counseling at the AStA will also help you assess whether a lawsuit seems promising.   

If an examiner denies you any of these rights, contact the AStA immediately. In addition to the option of filing an objection, we can either speak directly with the respective examiner or approach higher authorities. 

If you have questions about exam law or any other issues, contact the AStA directly. Either through our secretariat or by email at hopo@asta.fh-aachen.org  

Author: Marco Trawinsky

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