July 5, 2024
Almost everyone has encountered video games at some point in their life—some more, some less. The type of games people have played also varies from person to person. However, since the 1990s, the media has often claimed that video games are harmful and make people aggressive. But is that really true? Could video games actually be good for us?
This time, we’re diving into this topic and focusing primarily on the positive aspects of video games—to bring some fresh perspective into the debate.
New studies on video games are constantly being conducted, observing brain activity in "non-gamers" and "heavy gamers" using MRI scans. These studies monitor the oxygen levels in red blood cells in the brain—higher oxygen levels indicate increased cognitive activity. Notably, the brains of heavy gamers appeared to be more active, and participants in the heavy gamer group also had shorter average reaction times compared to non-gamers.
In another study, participants were split into two groups: one group was asked to play video games for thirty minutes every day over a period of two months, while the other group was asked not to play any video games during the same time. After these two months, MRI scans were used to measure the brain structure of all participants, revealing an increase in gray matter in the group of video gamers. This increase included areas of the brain responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation, strategic thinking, and fine motor skills in the hands. Some studies concluded that specific useful areas of the brain can be trained through video games. Pretty practical, right?
A completely different approach was taken by the University of Cambridge, which partnered with a video game developer to create a video game for people with anxiety disorders. The game is a VR horror experience where players face a blind monster that can only detect them through an elevated heart rate. Players must therefore learn to lower their heart rate and calm themselves in frightening situations. This type of training helps patients with anxiety disorders learn how to respond in acute situations or panic attacks, allowing them to escape more easily.
Another advantage is that video games can offer social benefits. Players have the chance to connect with people worldwide who share similar interests, or even form friendships.
Of course, there are also some negative aspects that video games or excessive gaming can bring, but these vary individually for each person. Everyone handles video games differently, prefers different genres, and spends different amounts of time playing. However, it can be said that video games offer benefits for our brain and overall satisfaction. Even if you play occasionally just to escape a stressful day and feel like a kid again for a while, it's important to find the right balance for yourself. The key is not to overdo it—find your own personal "golden middle."
In that sense: Have fun gaming and see you next time!
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