
Welcome dear first-year students!
Your student contact points for any questions

Aller Anfang ist schwer und so ist es auch im Studium. Vielleicht fühlt ihr euch in diesem Lebensabschnitt etwas alleingelassen und wisst nicht auf Anhieb, wo ihr Hilfe und Beratung bekommen könnt, wenn der Schuh drückt. 

Ihr könnt euch grundsätzlich merken, egal welche Art von Problem euch gerade beschäftigt, ihr habt immer eine*n Ansprechpartner*in in eurem Allgemeinen Studierendenausschuss, oder kurz: AStA!

Of course, you will also find various contact points on the university's website where you can get support. However, there are also many contact points run by students for students. They might have a better understanding of your concerns and can relate to your situation. We would like to briefly introduce these contact points to you here:  

The Student Council (FSR)  

Each department has its own student council, – except for the Jülich council, which represents all three departments – which you can generally contact first with any questions. Whether you're having trouble navigating the digital platforms, – you don't know the best way to proceed if you forgot to register for a tutorial – or you're simply looking to join a study group. They will also help you if you have problems with a professor, or if you're not sure how the recognition process works when switching courses. They are always happy to assist you. You can recognize them by their matching T-shirts during Freshers' Week. 

They might have a better understanding of your concerns and can relate to your situation.
 So, you could say the student council is like your Bundestag (parliament). 

The Student Parliament (SP)  

Once a year, university elections take place at our university, and in addition to the student council, you can also vote for the Student Parliament. It is responsible for making cross-departmental decisions and also determines the orientation of the student body. It is also in charge of overseeing the student body's budget plan. Additionally, it mandates and elects the AStA. So, you could say the Student Parliament is like your Bundestag (parliament). You can always approach the Student Parliament with a request if, for example, you want to start a student initiative but lack the resources, have great ideas for student projects, or if something in student self-governance generally displeases you. 

The General Student Committee (AStA) 

In principle, it can be said that the AStA is the students' union. It represents you and your voice to the university, the state, and the federal government. It keeps you informed about all the topics that are of interest to you as students, such as the currently valid COVID-19 regulations, important decisions made by the rectorate, or the most significant legal changes that directly affect you as students. To support you, the AStA offers many counseling services that you can use at any time. 

If you are experiencing financial difficulties or need assistance applying for BAföG, you can always contact the Social Affairs Department. Even if you have problems or need help with questions regarding studying with children, studying with disabilities, hardship cases, or the challenges faced by international students, you can also receive help here. 

If you need to clarify disputes between you and professors or feel that a professor has treated you unfairly, the Department for University Policy can assist you. You can also ask for advice on issues related to exams, examination regulations, and university transfers at any time. 

In extreme cases, the AStA also offers a free initial consultation for legal questions. You can schedule a legal consultation appointment with one of our lawyers by calling the AStA Secretariat.

Now you are well informed about where you can quickly and easily get help, and nothing stands in the way of your studies! You can also find all email addresses and contact persons
at asta.fh-aachen.org. 

Autor: GAT

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