
Did you know... that as a freshman, you can already get involved?

You can already get involved as a first-year student! You can reach out to all committees at any time and help as a free member or run for the next student elections. Any kind of help is explicitly welcome, whether you want to engage in student politics in the Student Parliament (SP) or collaborate with others as a tutor. We all welcome you with open arms and offer you an extensive network of fellow students.

In this article of the PRINTE, categories from everyday life are usually addressed. However, on the occasion of this issue, we – the General Student Committee – would like to warmly welcome all first-year students to FH Aachen.

We are an institution made up of students who advocate for the interests of the entire student body and represent them before the university and the public. Creating this magazine is part of our responsibilities and keeps all students informed about the most important events, whether they are related to university politics or events. You are also welcome to submit texts, topics, or suggestions for improvement.

Now, however, we've talked enough about ourselves and would like to move on to the extensive committee landscape at our university. The university elections take place every year in May, which means they'll happen again in just over half a year after the start of your studies. Students can run for their respective student council or the student parliament and be elected. That might be a bit too much information at once, so here's a brief explanation of what it all means:

You probably came into contact with the department council (FSR) during your freshman time,
as they organize the freshman weeks, freshman trips, and the daily life in your
department. The student parliament (SP) is not quite as obvious, as it
has a supervisory function as the highest body of the student body. They keep an
overview of the work of the AStA and ensure that the interests and funds of the students
are represented and used sensibly.

So much for the dry part— you can also get involved as a first-year student! You can reach out to all committees at any time and offer your help as a regular member or run for the next university elections. Any type of assistance is explicitly welcome, whether you want to engage politically in the student parliament or work with people as a tutor. We all welcome you with open arms and offer you a wide network of fellow students. By the way, we are also very happy to help you with any questions about your studies or similar topics.

We hope that we were able to introduce you to the committee landscape in a clear and simple way, and perhaps even motivate you to become active yourself. Additionally, we wish you a lot of fun and success in your studies!

Autor: Anna Schnitzeler

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